
What’s New in CrowSong Lodge?

Well, hello there, friends! Pull up a pillow and some refreshments and let’s catch up! So… yes! The last time we spoke, I was getting ready to head to Readerfest! That was a crazy time….. For anyone who DID go to Readerfest and who did not see on social media that I was NOT going to make it, I apologize for not being there. There were some personal issues, unrelated to me, and, as a result, I was no longer desired to attend Readerfest and asked not to come after all (though I was already 17 hours into my trip). As it so happened, I was spending the night at a friend’s house in Fresno at the time, and it all worked out very well! In fact, my hunny and I were in the middle of trying to decide where in California we wanted to move to, and I was able to see for myself that Fresno ticked all of our boxes – his, hers, and ours! So, exactly a month later, we packed ourselves and our kitties into a rental car and drove to California to find a new home to live in! We’ve been here for about a week now and are still looking for a place (the place we were told was a sure bet turned out to not rent to non-California residents). But, it is absolutely gorgeous now! And while my hunny is crazy stressed, things are actually pretty lovely! The most AMAZING thing so far … Read More