how to

The Bright Side of Empathy

Och, okay. I have been seeing these articles about “The Dark Side” of being an empath or some nonsense like that. I admit, being an empath is not an easy gig and it can be pretty rough, especially in a society where emotions are not only unvalued but actively shamed. No doubt, it’s rough and it’s hard to figure out and learn to handle – not only do you have to figure out your emotions, but also everyone else’s around you. As I said in my last post, this usually means locking everything down and doing your best to live an emotionless life – or at least faking one. But, believe me, that isn’t the dark side. I’m not going to talk about the REAL dark side today, though – I’m going to talk about the BRIGHT side! Guys – being an empath can be pretty awesome! There are a LOT of advantages in this ability! Like all other psychic abilities that relate to getting information from other human beings, it’s actually a two way street – not only do you receive feelings from other people, you can also share yours with them as well. Which could definitely be bad if you were feeling depressed, but it also means that if you want to connect with a room of other people, perhaps in a team meeting, presentation, performance, or other group activity – you can do so pretty easily. It is a simple matter to become the life of the … Read More

Tarot Readings – There’s an App for That!

In one of the groups I am in online, the topic of tarot apps (applications for your phone, tablet, or computer) with electronic card decks came up. I think everyone I knows has had the same initial reaction: “what?! no! Can’t be!? Well… maybe…?” It’s that moment of confusion, rejection, and then reconsideration. So, I want to talk about my reasoning for using them (and when I don’t). First, I want to go back to something I am probably telling people way too much: Tarot cards are just ink and paper (and a little plastic gloss). Ink and paper. That’s it. Those things are not inherently any more psychic or magical than anything else on the planet, my smartphone included. The most common theory regarding tarot cards and energy is that, through use, you imbue the cards with your own energy and then use that connection through energy to use the cards for divination. Creating an extension of your own natural intuition. But there is no reason why this wouldn’t work with your smartphone, too. Some people reject the idea of plastic and energy, but it IS a physical object, so it DOES have energy. Even so, the functional parts of a smartphone are metals, and those definitely DO have energy. There’s no reason that you couldn’t imbue your circuits with energy the same way you do your tarot deck. Without anything for your client to physically shuffle, how do you connect to THEIR energy to read it? That’s a … Read More