Your Purpose(s)

When you come to this Earth to live your life, you come here with lessons to learn and a purpose. Many people spend their whole lives trying to figure out what their purpose is because your purpose is what is going to make you feel most fulfilled. It may not make you rich, but you will not feel lack in your life. Your purpose can be just about anything: dance, music, charity, politics, leadership, organization, counseling, building things, designing things to be built, facilitating between the designer and builders of things, and a million other things.

What a lot of people don’t know, is that you also have mini-purposes throughout your life. Most the time these mini-purposes serve to train and teach you so that you can better achieve your purpose in the long run. Sometimes they’re other goals that you are supposed to accomplish using your main over-arching Purpose. For instance, my over-arching Purpose is to teach people about spirituality. I have something very SPECIFIC, a certain message, that I’m supposed to be teaching people. But I don’t know that message, yet. But my mini-purpose for now is doing readings so I can grow and strengthen my personal gifts so that I will learn what my message is. Along the way, I’m also going to be teaching and learning to run a business. Things I need to know in order to make sure my over-arching Purpose is achieved.

So, how can you find your Purpose or purposes? Well, it’s going to be something that you’re drawn – almost compelled – to do. When you’re engaged in your purpose, time flies by and it doesn’t seem like any effort at all until after you stop. One way to find your Purpose is to look at all the activities you’ve enjoyed in your life and see what common element they all have in common. That common denominator is going to be your Purpose. Discovering your mini-purposes tends to be the same, but on a smaller scale. It’s what’s been showing up in your life recently. It’s something you keep hearing people mention over and over again. It’s something the Universe dropped into your lap and can’t be avoided.

Sometimes, though, you just feel directionless. For me, this is when I turn to my medicine cards and I ask “What is my purpose right now? Where should I be focusing my energy?” I’m now happy to offer this kind of reading to you as well on my tarot readings page. This is also an excellent reading for figuring out how to get past that big boulder in your road.

Regardless, however you find your purpose, I strongly advise you to go for it. You will be fulfilled, and the Universe will supply what you need. That doesn’t mean to be careless and go in without a plan, but it does mean the Universe is going to help back you up.

Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.


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