Today’s Animal Medicine – Bear

Photo by: Pipsmv @ Pixabay
Photo by Pipsmv Pixabay

Bears have a very interesting history and relationship with humans and are a fascinating animal to study. There are only 8 species of bear, but they are spread all over the world and live in every climate from the coldest of tundras to the warmest of tropical jungles, often times sharing space with humans, which, in times of famine, can become dangerous to both bears and humans.

In addition to sharing their habitat closely with humans, bears are also able to stand up straight on their hind legs, indicating a closer relationship to humans than most other animals.

They’re relationship with humans is so close that in days long past there were a group of Nordic warriors called “berserkers” after the Norse word for ‘bear’. They were said to possess a great rage and were unstoppable in combat, sometimes going so far as to attack comrades after their enemies had been slain until their rage was calmed. This warriors were considered touched by the gods and honored as a great gift to the Norse.

The primary message that bear brings us is to look inward. While bears do not actually hibernate during winter, they do enter a period of winter dormancy where they stay still deep within their dens. This unusual trait teaches us to go inward and people with Bear as a totem will find that they need periods of solitude and rest periodically or they risk burning out. They will also find that the times they are alone are the most productive times for them as bears give birth during their winter dormancy.

Bears also have a special connection to trees and the underground. They often claw trees that are along their trails. Bear cubs who are threatened rush to climb trees for safety, and even adult bears continue to climb trees when threatened or frightened. Bears are also extremely fond of honey, for which they will often climb trees in order to access the boles where bees have been busily working. This connection between bears and the underworld and bears and trees teaches us that it’s important to seek our answers inward and that a powerful way to solve a problem or learn new information is to go within ourselves and seek how the answers resonate within us.

Bear appearing in your life can also be an invitation to renew your connection with the Mother Earth. When this is the message of bear, you may find it advantageous to sit against or climb trees and take some time for introspection.

Anyone studying bear and it’s cultural significance would be wise to look toward children’s literature and toys – the Teddy Bear is a common first gift for a child and bears appear in much of children’s literature and programming. In fact, bears remain playful as adults and this is an additional reminder to embrace, feed, and treasure our inner cub.

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.


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