My Friend Silver

Doing tarot readings, I get a chance to meet a wide variety of people and I’m thrilled to be able to introduce you to one of them. She’s a fellow tarot reader of mine and very gifted. She has her own website at including a forum. And, she’s currently having a grand opening sale, so you should head over there as soon as you finish reading this. In her own words:

I suck at blogging, I’ll just start with that.

I am a list maker

And I use the enter button a little too much when typing.

The beginning is probably the best place to start because I think that’s where I started.

I got my nickname Silver from my love of (you guessed it!) silver.

In high school I wore anything silver that I could get my hands on from earrings to shirts. My prom dress was even silver and at one point a freak hair-dyeing accident left me with Silver hair, (I rocked it by the way)

I started doing tarot readings when I was 10.

I went to a metaphysical fair with my mom and got some oracle cards. They had my birthday (October 16) on the front of the box and I felt connected to them. (If anyone knows what deck I am talking about, let me know because I have yet to find another deck like it). When I went back to live with my father at age 13-14 he burned all of my tarot and oracle cards, my altar and my spell books and I went into a period of 4 years (high school) where I was not willing or able to use any of my gifts.

And when I say gifts Im not sure what to call them. I can look at my tarot cards and decipher an accurate meaning from them and use them to guide and tell the future. I have a deep bond with my pendulum, Zoey, and she tells me things. And I sometimes have dreams and visions that come true. If you’re feeling down, you will probably cross my mind and if I have an email my nose itches.

The one person I have the strongest link with is my fiancé of almost 3 years. If he is hurting, I am hurting. He recently got his wisdom teeth removed and I feel like they got mine again too!

Those are the bare basics about me.

My site is We have forums. We have tarot readings. We have…all sorts of fun things that you would just have to see for yourself. “More fun than you can shake a stick at” as we say in the South, (although I STILL don’t understand why you would shake a stick at fun or anything else for that matter!)

Q: What made you re-embrace and start using your gifts again? What made you decide that tarot was the career you wanted to have?

Trauma after trauma triggered visions and dreams and deja vu so I involuntarily went back to using what gifts I had and I eventually embraced it again
I decided that I wanted to do tarot after losing my job (that I hated anyway but it was the principle of it) and not being able to find another. I filled out application after application for a month and a half. Then my fiance got the job that I had my heart set on (he starts Monday) and I got upset…and drunk…and as I was praying to the great porcelain god, I got a text message from a friend to tell me I had predicted her baby’s gender correctly. I decided this was something I could do and as soon as I got to feeling better I started building my site. The next day I launched it and its been a rollercoaster these last two weeks
Q: What can people expect from a reading with you?
If Ive done a reading for you, I save the email address and catalog the reading (unless, of course, Im asked not to) and I check back every so often.
Some people I have done reading for, I talk to daily and have become great friends with.
Q: What can people do when working with you to make a reading better and more accurate?
Be as detailed as possible when giving me a question to ask the cards, I have about a hundred spreads for all sorts of different things, but if I’m not sure which one to use I’m going to go back to the basics.

Also focus YOUR energy on the question too, even if its just when you are writing to me. How you focus on the question affects the accuracy of my reading greatly.

Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.


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