Letting Go

I was originally going to write a post on Logic and Intuition that was going to explain in great detail why information received by our ‘sixth’ sense is just as valuable as information received from our physical 5. I was also going to ask the big questions like, is logic the ideal method of conclusion finding? Is it the only one? How supreme is Imperial Evidence?

You see, I have a lot of friends who are atheists and believe in logic and reasoning faithfully. They trumpet the merits of traditional science over personal experience and some of them denigrate and belittle those who foolishly have a religion or spirituality. Well, I used to have some friends like that – I don’t anymore. But they were the reason I was originally going to write the above post.

Not only was I going to write it, I was going to outline it in detail first and then give it to a few select people to check for errs in logic and to make sure I was clear and understandable. A lot of double-checking and being thorough for what amounts to a simple blog post.

But I didn’t do it.

Every time I sat down to do it, I was overwhelmed by the task of convincing the un-convince-able – else I’d just be preaching to the choir. Opening people’s minds to new ideas and ways of thinking is absolutely a noble pursuit – but was that what I was doing? Who was I really writing for? Those who already know there’s more than logic, those who suspect (internal knowing) there’s more than logic, or those who believe fully only in logic? The noble thing would be to write to those who are on the fence, but I don’t think my blog gets a lot of them, and, frankly, that’s not who I’d be targeting. I’d be aiming my words at those who believe only in logic.

And they wouldn’t be listening.

And if they did, they wouldn’t believe me anyways.

So, instead, I’m acknowledging to myself that I am letting go of people in my life who believe I’m stupid for being a shaman and practicing shamanism.

I am letting go of the need to be right.

I am letting go of competing against others in contests that are anything but fun.

I am letting go of the need for external validation.

I am letting it all go. This is no longer my fight; I am not in the business of conversion.

We all have points like these – sticking points where we just can’t let something go. And it’s rarely a lesson we learn just once (are there any of those, anyways?), but one that we visit and re-visit time and time again, each time in a different form to see if we really got the message, perhaps even with an added twist just for fun.

Method One

One way I’ve found to help me do this is to give it to the Fire. I do that a lot, whenever I need to detach from something, be it good or bad. When you make your Asks, and set your spells in motion, you need to let them go for Universe to use them. When you need to get rid of something, you cannot destroy it, you can only let go of it. So Fire is perfect as a purifier and a cleanser.

So, I write down the situation I’m experiencing on a piece of paper. I write down everything I can think of, sometimes going on for pages and pages at a time. I make it real journal entry, getting everything down that I think could possibly relevant. Of course, I use ink and scratch out any mistakes instead of erasing because ink carries more of a commitment with it, and you want to commit those experiences, thoughts, feelings, and vibrations to the paper.

When I’m done, I take the paper outside. I prefer to do these kinds of things at night, because the night is where the Unconscious lives and where Mystery lives. So I take my paper outside at night, say a brief prayer of gratitude and appreciation, and then burn the papers. If they were about my hopes and dreams, I work the ash into my garden, that it may fertilize things there and grow in my life. If they are about regrets and hurt feelings, I take the ashes somewhere else where water will sweep them away, to carry the energy as far away from me as possible.

Method Two

I also use a simple visualization. I imagine the thoughts and feelings like little spiders in the wind. Most spiders can spin webbing into the air and then float away on wind currents. I imagine my thoughts, feelings, or hurts as if they were these little spiders on my skin. A wind comes along, singing a song, and the spiders shoot up their webs and float away to find a home somewhere else. And I repeat this visualization as many times as I need until I have well and truly dug out every last trace of whatever I am letting go of and send it to find a new home.

I hope that one of these methods work for you. I would love to hear your experiences – feel free to drop me a line or leave your comment here.

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.


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