Hello World!

Alrighty! So, I have a couple websites around the great big web, but I’ve really been concentrating on the more spiritual side of my being lately and I thought it would be great to have a place to share the things I’m learning and thinking and stuff and stuff. So, here it is! The newly opened Nathara blog! Heheh. Comments, of course, are always welcome and encouraged – I would love some feedback on my thoughts!

But, first, a little bit more about… ME! haha! In addition to reading tarot cards, medicine cards, fairy cards, drawing runes, etc., etc. – I’m also something of an ‘artist’, as silly as that sounds. 😉 I’ve been studying and practicing photography for a bit now, and if you care to check it out, you can see it through my flickr link on the left or by visiting my website!

So, then. I’ve been reading tarot cards since I was about 10 years old. My first deck was a miniature Rider Waite deck that I still have and am still fond of to this day. But the imagery on the Rider Waite doesn’t do anything for me (although I LOVE the small size – I have rather small hands, after all!), so I normally use the Fantastical Tarot Deck (below). So, after reading the tarot cards for so many years, I’ve finally decided to start reading for the ‘public’ and you can find me over on LivePerson doing so. I’m on kind of randomly right now, but I hope to be more regular soon.

So… dancing! I’ve been bellydancing since I was 18 (I am really not 18 anymore – but it’s rude to ask, so don’t). I started teaching bellydance when I was 21. I’ll give you a hint on the age – I’ve been dancing for over 10 years now! I love it. I’ve studied nearly everything – traditional, tribal, tribal-fusion, cabaret (Egyptian and American), Lebenese, and Turkish! When I perform, though, I tend to stick to American Cabaret/Lebenese, since that speaks to me most clearly. I love bellydancing so much, though – it’s really something that everyone can learn to do and it really compliments the female body. In addition, it has no height requirements, no weight requirements, and there’s little to no impact on your knees – that suits me just fine, too, as I have large hips (child-bearing, some would say), am short, and have bad knees! So it works out pretty well! I’ve also extensively studied the history – fact and fiction – of bellydance and feel pretty comfortable about conversing on that level.

Naturally, I am also a pagan witch with Nordic leanings. I love studying philosophy, new age/metaphysical thoughts and theories, and various world religions.

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.


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