Dream Interpretation

Photo by Crescentsi

Dreams can reveal a lot about our selves, our experiences, and our lives in general. It’s a way for our unconscious mind to communicate with our conscious mind while it works out issues and questions from our everyday lives. A lot of information gets processed this way and a great amount of resolving, healing, and learning can be accomplished in our dreams. But how do we know what our dreams mean and if we need to follow up on them?

Well, this is another area where tarot can help us! I’ve recently learned a couple new spreads that help us explore our dreamworlds in more detail and understand what our dreams are saying to us.

I’m happy to announce that I’m now offering dream interpretation as a reading you can choose for purchase! However, the first person who contacts me willing to share their dream as an example will receive that reading free! So watch this space for an example reading!

***Update*** I’ve already been contacted by someone for the free reading – stay tuned to this space to see what it looks like!

***Update 6-28-11*** Here it is! Read below to see how a dream interpretation reading would go!

Our guinea pig is the gracious Birdy Diamond of the Paranormal Lifestyle website. Thank you so much, Birdy, for letting me interpret your dream! Birdy also has blogged about how the dream interpretations mesh with her life and experiences and talks a little bit about the different types of dreams here.

“This morning, I had two dreams that I remember.

The first began in a large one-area store, like a dollar store.

We’d been out sightseeing earlier, all of us that worked (lived?) there. (I did get a sense of being together as a group most of the time, more than just-work would account for.)

Anyhoo, we’d been out and back.

I was sitting on the floor, tying my running shoes in prep for going for a run around the circumference of the store, as I did every day to begin the day. No big deal, the day was progressing as it normally did, all was well. Then the manager came up to  me and said, in a quiet aside, something about that when we went to the cathedral, it would be better if I didn’t go inside.

I froze. She was a very religious person, or at least the flavor was there, that intensity of energy that describes a deeply-held belief. Since I was extra-planetary, I was almost by definition not a member of that faith. I’d been planning to go for the beauty, not the faith, but apparently, that was not enough for her.

It hadn’t really mattered before, this being one-of-only-a-few-or-one, but now, suddenly, it did. Suddenly, I was The Outsider, the One Who Is Different.

At first, I wasn’t going to go do my run. I was hurt and angry. But then, I changed my mind.
I got up, went for my run and on what would be the left-wing side of the store if you were facing the back was a mirror and a door.

The mirror was a big floor oval, like in the old days. The door? I mainly remember its existence.

Anyway, I got really close to it, I think I remember pressing my lips to it, and snapped something into the mirror about them not being sure about aliens after all, or something that was definitely indicating that I’d just been discriminated against for my off-planet origins. (And was not happy about it!)

Now one very interesting thing here – when I looked down at my feet earlier, there were shoes like normal.

However, when I looked in the mirror, I saw a bulbous smooth stick, like the handle of a ceramic bell, with one of those loud rose-posies you sometimes see on china where the face would be.

After seeing my face in the mirror, I went inside the room. It was spacious, very softly lit, and a nice blue. I went to the far end of the large room and talked to an older gentleman. (This is written at the other end of a busy day, so I’m not completely sure, but I am pretty sure he had the same white ceramic-self and rose-face.)

We must have been friends, because he commiserated with me on the situation. I gather we were also train nuts/collectors, because we started talking locomotives and getting them back on the tracks. Definite flavor of real train, (and full size, too!) not metaphorical.

Again, the other end of a busy day, but I believe it was at this point during this conversation that I heard the soft, smooth, directed-at-me-Birdy ‘wait’, outside of the dreamspace.

At the end of the conversation, I was laughing again, back in a good humor, the rudeness of an over-zealous religious bigot forgotten.

Then I woke up.

Was too comfortable to write down the word-for-words, but did repeat them to myself quite a bit, which is probably why I remembered as much as I did.

The next dream was a bit more of a mystery.

Oh! Yes, there was a body.

And a laundry hallway between this large rectangular dining room/meeting room area and a kitchen, rather like the service hallway of a hotel, except more finished because it was more seen.

A big complex of buildings. Hot sunny day outside. A death, that I was curious about. I don’t think it was formal curiosity (i.e., not a cop nor a detective), but more of a ‘don’t want it to happen to others I know, or to me’.

Somewhere, I must have started to get an inkling, or at least an inkling of ‘I don’t want to be seen by you people’, because I faded back into that service hallway when I heard them coming.

I faded back through the ironing boards, etc. but knocked stuff over as I went back through the layers to the kitchen. Oddly enough, I wasn’t stressed by this tho’, even tho’ the bad guys were coming in that room I’d just left, so I think it was okay.

Exited into a busy kitchen.

When I went back outside, there was a trench, with a dessicated body. This one was MUCH older, and had been excavated in the process of doing something else, whether construction or archaeology, I’m not sure.

The need to prevent it from happening again.

Bad people doing bad things!

I believe there had been a recent murder and then to see that body from long ago-ish too – meant the killers were coming back.”

The Interpretation


The Event: Eight of Pentacles – You have the ability to create your own future through hard work and determination.
The Obstacle: Six of Swords – Letting things pass by and allowing yourself to be distracted by smaller, non-goal related items.
The Message: Page of Cups – Listen to the small voices of your intuition and guides and believe in their ability to give you proper direction.
Application: Seven of Swords – While it may feel like people are taking your good and generous nature for granted and plucking away at your energy, focus instead on the light and hope that is your journey.


The Event: Queen of Wands – You know the next step on your path and have already planned out how to take it, all you need to do is step forward.
The Obstacle: Five of Wands – You’re fighting an uphill battle and against other people and their beliefs.
The Message: Six of Swords – Let things pass right by you instead of letting them block your path. Knowing how to yield to confrontation without compromising your beliefs.
Application: The Hermit – Trust in yourself. Seek within for the guidance that you’re looking for and have faith in your abilities. Allow others to walk their own path and not affect your own.

Both dreams seems to point to the fact that you need to trust yourself and be less concerned with what’s going around you. Instead, follow the light faithfully and you’ll find your way. When other people take issue with you, let their energy flow pass you without letting it effect you – realize they are on their own path and have their own walk to experience.

Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.


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