Creativity + Dreamtime + Spirit

Photo by Zenera Flickr

Creativity is an interesting thing in our culture. We value it highly, but not consciously. We expect everything to be attractively arranged and we’re swayed by the appearance of things – anything, really – websites, products, furniture, cooking utensils… you name it, and someone has taken the time to design it and find out what is most attractive and functional – together, not necessarily one more than the other. Shops play music while we enjoy our browsing experiences. Our phones highlight their abilities to display websites properly, take photos, and store music. We are constantly surrounding ourselves with things that are beautiful and sooth the senses.

Creativity is a way to tap into Dreamtime while we’re awake. Many artists describe the process of creating and being “in the zone” as a kind of meditation. Art, appreciating and creating, involves a great deal of concentration and can fill up our senses. Perceiving and appreciating art can be an entire sensory experience. People can have amazing experiences through art – think about music that really moves you. It can take you away to another time and place. We also feel compelled to express Spirit through what we do – think of religious hymns and chants or powerful iconographic images. Just look for images of Angels and the gods on the internet. Look at the popularity of movies. Look all around you!

In a way, Creativity is a pathway by which we can also bring ourselves into alignment with nature. If you study art, you realize how organic art can be – keeping the same proportions as object in nature (Fibonacci numbers) to music that flows like water.

We also engage in the same energies when we go into Dreamtime. Dreamtime isn’t just when we’re asleep, but also when we do visualizations, daydream, and envision the future or the past. Dreamtime is anytime we spend outside of regular time and can absolutely move mountains. It is through Dreamtime that we’re able to reach outside of ourselves and into other timelines. Dreamtime is powerful.

It is hard to express how important and amazing Creativity and Dreamtime are and how they’re completely enmeshed in the energy of Spirit. These tools are open to all of us – are something that we can all engage in and enjoy. It’s not important that we toil or spend money or make extravagant gestures. Just the simple act of humming to yourself or having a daydream can be incredibly spiritual and it’s important to honor that.

Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.


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