A Little Rambling + Review of Children’s Spirit Animal Cards

Deck by Steven D. Farmer, Illustration by Pamela Anzalotti

Today has been one of those days, which is weird because it’s Sunday and most the time ‘those days’ are Mondays with the occasional Friday. I had a financial goal to meet and didn’t make it. The big monster in my life is finances – we butt heads and face off time and time again, and it looks like this time they won the day. What really frustrated me, though, was that I was in bed Saturday with back pain, so I didn’t make Saturday’s goal, either. It’s okay – I can work around it and I know it, but it doesn’t stop me from getting frustrated.

And then, as part of my evolution, I sign up for all the eSummits and teleconferences and webinars and, because I was so grouchy, the speakers were irritating me. Sometimes, even though I try to live it myself, the “love and light” thing can really rub the wrong way.

So, I received my Children’s Spirit Animal Cards from Satiama the other day and absolutely love them. I think they’re fantastic for kids and super for adults. My friend and I had a blast doing readings with them and all the messages were spot on. The messages are so clear, concise, and to the point that I’ve designated them as my ‘card of the day’ deck. Every morning, I shall draw a card that will give me guidance for the day. But I forgot about that today and I had drawn the card for today last night and then set it out-of-the-way. But a little while ago, I saw it out of the corner of my eye and looked at the card. It features two deer – a mother and baby – standing in the forest, touching nose-to-nose. The message at the bottom reads “Be kind to yourself and others.” It doesn’t get much clearer than that!

But what does that mean, really? Well, if I look in the booklet that came with the deck (it is SO cute [tiny things are always cute]!) and it goes on to say that if you become angry or frustrated with yourself, let it go as quickly as possible. That was where I was today. A nap helped immensely to ease my mood and I was able to restrain my grumpiness and frustration to myself. But it always melts my heart when I’m reminded that I deserve kindness from me, too. We should treat ourselves no worse than we would treat other people. It’s all part of honoring ourselves and the Earth mother from whence we came. We are deserving of our own compassion, kindness, and understanding. We, too, are one of Earth’s creatures.

So I’m passing the message on to you. I know I’m not the only one that gets frustrated with myself and I’m not the only one who (sometimes) has too high of expectations, either. And it doesn’t make us bad or less spiritual or any of that other stuff if we feel grumpy once in a while – it just makes us human. Divine, perfect, and amazingly human. Something to keep in mind especially when we think of ourselves – we are born perfect, we live perfectly, and we die perfect. But also human, so we need to give ourselves a little credit and sometimes a little time out when life gets to be overwhelming.

Be kind to yourself. And others.

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.


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