• Gathering Crows

    Get Up, Stand Up

    Hey Folks, so today let’s talk about community. Little communities, like our Pagan and Witchy community, and also BIG communities, like America and Society in general. We’re going to talk about social justice, politics, current events, Ruth Bader Ginsberg (I say “RGB” but I know it’s “RBG”), Christian Dominionism, the Christian Default, the Satanic Temple, Civil Rights, White Supremacy outside and INSIDE the Pagan community, and probably some other stuff, too! Here’s some further reading: Satanic Temple Legal Campaigns: https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/campaigns A Beginner’s Guide to Christian Dominionism by Chrissy Stroop:https://cstroop.com/2019/09/06/christian-dominionism-a-beginners-guide

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  • Library,  Tutorials

    The Witch’s Jar – Good and Bad

    Hallo all! So, I was thinking about this after writing my last piece on the cleansing and blessing rituals I enjoy for Samhain. For those of you unfamiliar with the Witch’s Jar, let me tell you about it. It’s a curse where you take odious things, such as urine, feces, rusty nails, broken glass, and noxious substances, a photo of your target, a baneful wish for them, and place them all in a jar. Before sealing the lid, you speak your ill wishes for them into the jar, then seal it up – not just by placing the lid on it, but buy wrapping it in plastic, duct tape, or…

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  • Library,  Tutorials

    Writing on Samhain

    So, those who ask me what Halloween traditions I celebrate are told about two very similar rituals that I do. One is to let go of the old and cleanse myself of their energies, and the other is to bring in the bounty of what I want for the next year. The rituals are very similar, though there are some very important differences. Both of them involve grabbing a pen and some paper and writing out my desires. To cleanse, I write out all of the things I want to let go of. Things that hurt me, things I thought or felt, nightmares I may have had, memories I no…

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