• CrowSong News

    What I’m Working On Right Now

    So, I’m trying to remember to post updates to my website more often – I usually touch in over on YouTube or via Podcast or just Social media, but I’m trying to get away from that so much and really focus things on my website more. So, the last few weeks since the start of the George Floyd protests, really, I’ve just been focused on politics, news, and, frankly, doom-scrolling. It’s DIRE out there and it’s hard to NOT feel that direness and refocusing my attention anywhere else feels… flippant? Negligent? Selfish? But, I know – we all need breaks and just scrolling through Twitter is NOT accomplishing that much,…

  • CrowSong News

    What’s New in CrowSong Lodge?

    Well, hello there, friends! Pull up a pillow and some refreshments and let’s catch up! So… yes! The last time we spoke, I was getting ready to head to Readerfest! That was a crazy time….. For anyone who DID go to Readerfest and who did not see on social media that I was NOT going to make it, I apologize for not being there. There were some personal issues, unrelated to me, and, as a result, I was no longer desired to attend Readerfest and asked not to come after all (though I was already 17 hours into my trip). As it so happened, I was spending the night at…

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