• Library,  Tutorials

    The Witch’s Jar – Good and Bad

    Hallo all! So, I was thinking about this after writing my last piece on the cleansing and blessing rituals I enjoy for Samhain. For those of you unfamiliar with the Witch’s Jar, let me tell you about it. It’s a curse where you take odious things, such as urine, feces, rusty nails, broken glass, and noxious substances, a photo of your target, a baneful wish for them, and place them all in a jar. Before sealing the lid, you speak your ill wishes for them into the jar, then seal it up – not just by placing the lid on it, but buy wrapping it in plastic, duct tape, or…

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  • Library,  Tutorials

    Writing on Samhain

    So, those who ask me what Halloween traditions I celebrate are told about two very similar rituals that I do. One is to let go of the old and cleanse myself of their energies, and the other is to bring in the bounty of what I want for the next year. The rituals are very similar, though there are some very important differences. Both of them involve grabbing a pen and some paper and writing out my desires. To cleanse, I write out all of the things I want to let go of. Things that hurt me, things I thought or felt, nightmares I may have had, memories I no…

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  • Library,  Tutorials,  Using the Runes

    A Sigil Artist Named Rose

    Hi there! You guys may remember that I touched on the topic of sigils, or more specifically, runes and symbols WAY back when I started this crazy old journey! Like, a really long time ago! I MOVED my channel to it’s new home 6 years ago and this video was already several years old by then. Since then, it’s had over 7,000 views! WOWZERS! Thank you all of you! In it, I mention that you can make your own symbol or rune to represent  your intent or any affirmation that you want to achieve. Well, I recently discovered this artist over on Pinterest and wanted to give her a shout…

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