Animal Energies,  Spiritual and Religious Beliefs

Power Animals Around the World

Chester ZooThe concept of Animal Spirit Guides (or, here, “Power Animals”) is not unique to any particular culture, though a lot of people will immediately think of Native American or Meso American cultures. This is where we get a lot of the neo-shamanic practices of Animal Medicine or Totem Animals, but it’s important to recognize that Animal Spirit Guides are a multi-cultural phenomenon.

Power Animals can occur in relation to a single individual, or they may be guides to an entire lineage, clan, or tribe, depending on the culture. Meso-American cultures also practice a personal Animal Spirit Guide relationship, as well as Australian Aboriginals, ancient Celts, and various African tribes. Asian Cultures, especially Indian and Japanese, often have a Power Animal who is responsible for a region or tribe of people. Sometimes, a Power Animal is responsible for a certain class of society, such as the Bear Warriors (“Berzerkers”) of Celtic culture or the Jaguar Shaman of South America.

Knowing all the different ways Animals play a role in different cultures helps to determine the kind of relationship you will have with your Power Animal. Is it a working relationship? Is it personal? Intimate? Is your family involved? Your town or city? Do you become a student of those animals? Do you Shapeshift into them?

Wherever you are in the world, is there Power Animal for your location? Responsible for your house? For your family?

Do some research, search within, and explore world traditions. You may have a totally unique relationship with your Power Animal, but learning about those other relationships will give you the tools to explore your relationships more fully. Don’t limit yourself to just one culture’s traditions, but study those from all over the world and use your own Intuition to forge your own path.


  • Birdy Diamond

    You have certainly whetted my appetite – would love to see more posts on this topic. 🙂 :>

    This budding xeno-antrhropologist is most curious about the patterns that play out between cultures. 🙂 :>

    • Nathara

      I will delve into the research more – I’m planning on making this the beginning of the series, so stay tuned! Hurrah!

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