
These articles show you specifically HOW to do something and are not just a discussion on the topic.

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    Effect the Energy Around You

    Hi guys! This week I’ve decided to record my blog project post as a vlog instead of a written blog. It’s easier for me to talk about and I think I communicate the topic a lot easier out loud. Plus! You guys get to kind of “meet” me and see a little of what I’m like. Below the video, there’s a link to the MP3 file for those of you whose computers do not like video or just prefer to listen on your MP3 player of choice.   Energy Vlog (Click to listen, Right Click to Save)

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  • Animal Energies,  My Life,  Spiritual and Religious Beliefs,  Tutorials

    You Don’t Have to be a Shaman to Practice Shamanism

    So, I’ve finally published my free eBook, Foundations of Shamanism: An Introduction to Earth Magick! I’m so excited! I’ve been working hard on it and, after many formatting issues, finally have something lovely and informative to share with you. To get your copy, all you have to do is sign up for my mailing list – and you’ll also receive a free 1 card reading! I’d like to share an excerpt from my book because I get the feeling that there may be some of you out there thinking “That’s all well and fine, but what does it mean for me?” The role of Shaman is not for everyone, but…

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    Samhain Cleansing Time

    Samhain, or Halloween, is coming up quickly! This is a great time to celebrate the year that has passed and wrap things up so you’re fresh for the upcoming new year. One of the things that I like to do every Samhain is to do a thorough cleansing of my own energies and let go of things that might be holding me back. Here’s a video that I recorded last year that describes a cleansing ritual that is simple and thorough. Enjoy!

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  • Tutorials

    Using Affirmations

    Affirmations are positive statements that you use to change the energy vibration of your life. You can use these affirmations to bring about change in yourself or your circumstances. The concept is based on the idea that thoughts have energy and that like energy attract like, so by generating a certain energy with your thoughts, matching energies will be drawn into your life affecting the desired changes. Affirmations can be simple or they can be more complex. To create an affirmation, make a statement in the present tense. For example, “I am strong.” You want to remember to leave our any unnecessary details as that allows for more variety and…

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    Put Some Movement in Your Meditation

    Normally when we think of meditation, we think of sitting somewhere quiet and being perfectly still. That’s not the only way to meditate, though! Moving meditation is a great way to shake things up, move them forward, and have new and exciting experiences. Moving meditation can give you a new and different kind of clarity, and studies have shown that physical activity produces chemicals in the brain that aid in decision making and understanding. When we think of moving meditation, you probably think of Tai Chi or Yoga first. Those are really great ways to use moving meditation, but they aren’t for everyone. Any physical activity can be a moving…

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  • Library,  Tutorials

    Astrology Overview for the Layman

    I’m not an astrologer, myself, though my mother was, so I have a general understanding of how it all works and comes together. One of the questions I’m asked a lot is if astrology is read, why are there more than 12 types of people in the world? Why aren’t all geminis the same, how can they be different? How can something be true about one person and untrue for another with the same sign? The reason for so much variation is because your sign (properly your ‘sun sign’) is just one component of 9 (or 10, depending) different planetary bodies (plus the moon and sun) that all combine to…

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    Mindfulness – How Not to be a Zombie

    How many of us out there slog through our days going through the usual routine day in and day out? The days blur together and you can’t tell Tuesday from Wednesday because they were identical anyways. Maybe the only difference between them was what was on the tv and what we ate for dinner. If this is how things are for you, then you have fallen into zombiedom. How can you escape zombiedom and begin living your life fully again? Through mindfulness. Mindfulness is the art and skill of keeping your mind aware of what’s going on around you. It’s being ‘in the now’. It’s noticing the texture of the…

  • Library,  Tutorials

    Numerology – The Balance Number

    Your balance number is a number that indicates the stabilizing factor for you in  your life. In a period of crisis, confusion, or instability, this is the quality that is going to enable you to start gaining a foothold in life again and gaining some control of events. This is also a quality that will give nourishment to your soul and make things seem better and more hopeful and will give you the energy necessary to propel you forward again. As an example, my personal Balance number is 11. This means for me that when I’m feeling unbalanced and unstable or generally experiencing a crisis, I need to remember my…

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  • Reading Tarot,  Tutorials

    The Fool – What We Can Learn

    The Fool is one of the most iconic cards in the tarot and often the illustration of The Fool in a tarot deck sets the tone for the entire deck of cards. Often, the Fool is considered the main character in the story of the Major Arcana – he (or she!) represents all of us most of the time and has a lot to teach us. The word “fool” in the English language is typically considered a negative word – nobody wants to ‘play the fool’ or ‘act the fool’ in life – to appear foolish is to seem ignorant, naive, hasty, careless, oblivious, and uneducated, among other things. ‘Fools’…

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    Cycles of Life

    By now, we’re all familiar with the circle of life and what it entails, but are you aware that within life there are repeating cycles as well? We see these cycles all around us. If we learn to work with the cycles, we can start gaining the most return for our energy and see greater productivity and success. You know when you’re going through life and it feels like you’ve got these cyclical ups and downs? That’s the kind of cycle we’re going to be talking about. First, though, you have to know what cycle you’re in! The cycles of life are seeding, growing, harvesting, and lying fallow. These are…