
  • Environment,  Something Beautiful

    The Most Remarkable Trees in America

    As you know, we have a special place in our hearts and souls for trees here at CrowSong Lodge. There are so many wonderful and wondrous things we could say about them and if you’d like to hear some, you can visit our very own Grandmother. Treehugger (unsurprisingly, a favorite site of ours), posted this beautiful article about the 15 Most Remarkable Trees in America. Some truly beautiful stories and some wonderful trees inside – and tales that go back 80,000 years or more! Visit them here!  

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  • Environment,  Gender Issues,  My Life

    Forming New Habits

    Changing your life, whether in a big way or a small way, is always amazing. It’s hard to tell where your life will end up as a result! But wherever you’re going, it’s sure to be amazing! But how do you form a new habit? You just do the same thing over and over again for 21 days, right? For one, 21 days can be hard, if that were even the right number. For two, it’s just not that simple! So, what can you do to form a new habit? The first thing that needs to happen is that you need to Decide, with a big “D” that you’re going…

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  • Environment,  My Life

    Time to Get Real

    Ding Dong, Ding Dong! That’s right. It’s time to step up to the plate. It’s midsummer, 2014. Half the year is gone and we have half the year remaining. I know you had goals for this year. Where are you on them? Did they get abandoned? Have you come up with new ones? Adjusted them as you’ve gone? What’s holding you back? Let me share some of what I’ve been doing and see if that helps to inspire you. Lose Some Weight Alright, so, one of my goals is to lose about 100 pounds of excess weight. That’s kind of a lot! AND it’s at that range where I have…

  • Environment,  Library,  My Life

    End of the World

    Well, it looks like we’re still here. At least, the two of us are. The “end of the world” came and went and the world is still here. But that doesn’t mean that we’ve missed out on the opportunity for change that endings bring with them. Just because the Earth is still intact and going on with it’s day to day life doesn’t mean that we have to stay in the same patterns and stories that we’ve been telling ourselves. See, one of the most important things about learning magic is that  you learn that you can create your own reality. You have the power to do it. Whether it’s…

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  • Environment,  My Life


    What an awesome word, right?! I just learned it yesterday and it might be my new favorite. I learned it watching a TED talk from Janine Benyus, which is embedded below for you to enjoy. They’re starting to put the TEDTalks on Netflix in categories and the Eco-Solutions one is really fascinating! What does it mean? Well, it seems to be a branch of scientific study where scientists are learning how to develop new technologies from the way that nature does things. For instance, one example they used, was that there is a shark who doesn’t get bacteria or parasites on it’s skin. This is because the way their scales…

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  • Environment,  My Life

    Complaining About the Weather

    I decided to quit complaining about the weather. It seems like a small thing but sometimes small things make all the difference. Sure, it’s pretty hot out here. I’m in the wilds of the Arizona desert in the 110° and 48% humidity. I’ve got it pretty easy though. I spend my days in 76° air-conditioning and when I go out I drive around my air-conditioned car. I can handle the 2 minutes it takes to walk from my car into the store. There are people out there who are living in places where it gets to be 140° and 150° and that’s not just in summer. There are people who…

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  • Environment

    It’s a Leap Year!

    This is a leap year. That means that in this year there are 366 days in this year instead of the usual 365. And that extra day happens in February. On the 29th. Tomorrow. Okay, so that may not seem like a really huge deal, but it is one. It’s absolutely huge. That’s a whole extra day that you didn’t plan on having before and now it’s there. Right there. In tomorrow. I know a lot of us are working tomorrow, making it seem like a normal day, but think about what you can do to make the day more special and unique. A little more magical. And a chance…

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  • Environment

    Eco Friendly Dryer Balls from EcoSisters

    Just a quick blurb today. I found an ad for these last month and they sound really awesome to me. They’re wool dryer balls. What they do is, you put them in your dryer instead of using fabric softener or a dryer sheet, and they not only make your clothes snuggly soft but also help them dry faster! How cool is that? Tara at EcoSisters says that the original pairs they used for testing 4 years ago are still going strong, but they still come with a 1 year guarantee. And since they’re made of wool, they won’t sound like sneakers in your dryer the way that some ball softener…

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  • Environment

    Monday is the New Moon

    We’ve discussed the full moon before here on my blog, but we haven’t discussed the new moon. The new moon is equally as powerful as the full moon and occurs directly after the dark moon. The dark moon occurs when the moon is directly between the Earth and the sun, causing the visible portion of the moon to be completely in shadow. The new moon occurs directly afterwards when the first sliver of the waxing moon appears. There is some confusion here between the new moon and the dark moon and most calendars will make the dark moon as the new moon instead. It’s primarily in older texts that you’ll…